Ladysmith, a town in Northern Natal famous for its siege in 1900 during the anglo-Boer War, is approximately 225km from Durban. It was a busy junction for people travelling to and from the Orange Free State and Transvaal across the Drakensburg Mountains into Natal.
Hadrath Soofie Saheb رضي الله عنه travelled from Durban to Ladysmith to choose a land from where he could propagate Islam. A land was purchased by Hadrath Soofie Saheb رضي الله عنه in 1906 and a Musjid, madressa and quarters for Imam were erected.
He had many mureeds in Ladysmith and amongst them was one Munshi Goolam Mia رضي الله عنه who was from Rander in India. He became a Mureed of this humble servant of Islam in the Chistia Silsila, on the advice of his pious old mother. After staying in the company of his Shaykh for some time, Hadrath Soofie Saheb رضي الله عنه conferred Khilafath on him in the Qadiria, Chistia and Habibia Silsila. He was given the customary yellow hat, yellow Kirqa and staff from his Shaykh.
Hadrath Shah Munshi Goolam Mia رضي الله عنه told Hadrath Soofie Saheb رضي الله عنه of his intention of returning to Rander in India. However his Shaykh persuaded him to remain in Ladysmith to serve the community. The land was given in Trust to Munshi Goolam Mia رضي الله عنه in 1906 and was transferred accordingly. He returned to India in 1920.
The Trustees that served here were:
1906 – 1920
1920 to date
The present Imam is Moulana Abdul Aleem Akleker since January 1983. He is also the Principal of the Madressa. the Vice Principal of the Madressa is Hadrath Moulana Naseemudeen.