Rajab رجب
On sighting of the moon of the month of Rajab
One must read the following Dua,

“Marhaban Bis Sanatil Jadeedati, Wal Yaumil Jadeedati, Was Saa’til Jadeedati, Marhaban Bil Kaatibi Was Shaheedi, Uktubaa Fi Saheefati,
Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem, AsHadu Alla Illaaha Illalahu Wah Dahu La Shareekalahu, La Hul Mulku Wa Lahul Hamdu, Yuhyiwa Yumeetu, Wa Huwa Hayun La Yamootu, Bi Ya Dihil Khairi, Wa Huwa A’la Kuli Shay In Qadeer, Wa Innal Jannata Haqun, Wa Innan Naara
Haqun, Wa Annas Saa-a’ta Aatiyatun La Rayba Fee-ha, Wa Annal Lawha Yab-a’thu Man Fil Quboori.”
“The new year is welcome, the new day is welcome, and this new hour is welcome, the writer and the witness are welcome, Write! In my recorded books, in the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One, there is no matter on to him, for Him is ownership (of Everything), and for Him is All Praise, He gives Life, and Brings Death, and He is All Living, He does not Die, In His hands Is the power of all Good, and He is most Capable of Everything. Indeed Paradise is true, Indeed Hell-fire is true, and indeed the final hour is coming, in that there is no doubt, and Indeed Allah will awaken the dwellers of the graves.”
Salaah to be read on the 1st of Muharram
Sayedina Syed Muhammed Khwaja Banda Nawaaz R.A. has stated in his book “Jawamiul Kalim” that on the first of Muharram one should read 6 rakaats Nafil Salaah with 3 salaams. In each rakaat after Surah Fateha read Ayatul Kursi once, followed by Surah Ikhlaas 11 times, after every salaam, read three times,

“Allahuma Salli A’la Muhamadinin Nabiyil Ummiyi Wa A’la Aalihi.”
Then go into Sajda and read 70 times,

“Subbuhun Qudoosun, Raabuna Wa Rabbul Malaaikati War Roohi.”
Then before the second Sajda recite;

“Rabigh Fir War Hum Wa Tajawaz Amma Ta’lam, Fa Innaka Antal Aleemul A’azam.”
in recite also 70 times ;

“Subbuhun Qudoosun, Raabuna Wa Rabbul Malaaikati War Roohi.”
Then go into the second Sajda and recite the same dua as above

Then also read in the same sajda 70 times

Then wake up and go into sajda again and ask all your requirements of Allah, Insha Allah, Allah will grant it to you.
Sayedina Khwaja Nizaamudeen رضي الله عنه has stated that one who reads this Salaah on Lailatul Raghaaib will not die in that year.
Sayedina Khwaja Nizaamudeen رضي الله عنه should read this Salaah in Jamaath.
The Recitation of Istighfaar in the month of Rajab
It is essential for one to recite daily 100 times this Istighfaar

Astagfirullaha Li Zunoobi, Kuliha, Siriha Wa Jahriha, Sageeriha Wa Kabeeriha, Zawhiriha Wa Baatiniha, Qadeemiha Wa Jadeediha, Awaliha Wa Aakhiriha, Wa Atoobu Ilaihi, Allahumagh Firrli Bi Rahmatika.”
“I Seek forgiveness from Allah for all my sins, that which is done in secret or openly, big or small, that which is visible and that which is hidden, that which is old or that which is new, that which is from the beginning or that which is recent and last, I repent to Him, O’ Allah, Forgive me!, By Your Mercy.”
Any person who recites every Friday 100 times Surah Ikhlaas in the month of Rajab, on the day of Resurrection a light (Noor) will emanate from within him, and this light (Noor) will enter him into paradise. Any person who recites 70000 times Istighfaar in the month of Rajab will be forgiven by Allah.
In the Hadithe Qudsi, it is narrated that Allah S.W.T says that any person who recites the following Istighfaar 1000 times daily in the month of Rajab, will definitely witout doubt attain Allah’s forgiveness.

“Astaghfirullah Ya Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikraami Min Jamee’iz Zunoobi Wal Aathaam.”
“I ask Allah for His forgiveness, He who is Exalted and Honourable, from all sins and evils..”
This Istighfaar relates to Sayedina Abdullah Bin Shataal رضي الله عنه He was a companion of the Blessed Prophet Muhammed ﷺ . but he was disobedient and sinful. When he passed away, it is said that no one came forward to perform his janaaza nor did anyone accompany his body to the cemetery. Sayedina Jibreel A.S came to Allah’s Messenger Muhammed ﷺ and informed him that it is Allah’s command that the Messenger ﷺ perform this companions Janaaza and also bury this companion. The Messenger ﷺ obeyed Allah’s command and instructed the Sahabas to do so as well. On the way to the cemetery, it was noticed that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was walking on His toes (Tip Toeing) and when his body was placed in the grave the Prophet ﷺ laughed.
On returning home, the Sahabad inquired from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ . about this incident.The Prophet ﷺ replied that He walked on His toes because there was no place for His blessed feet as so many Angels had descended to accompany Sayedina Abdullah’s RA.Janaaza. He ﷺ also replied that when He ﷺ laid the body into the grave, Hoors from Paradise had come, and they were fighting on who was going to give him Sharbath to drink first, seeing this He ﷺ laughed. Our Nabi ﷺ proceeded to the house of Sayedina Abdullah Ibn Shatal رضي الله عنه and on enquiring from his wife, she replied that her husband did not do any good in this world, he drank alcohol, never performed his salaah, he gambled, and never ever kept any fast. But when the month of Rajab used to dawn upon him, he used to read this Isttghfaar regularly, Our Nabi SA W instructed the sahabah to write the following Istighfaar,

“Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullahal Ladhi La Ilaha Illah Huwal Hayul QAyoom, Wa Atoobu Ilaihi, Astaghfirullah, WA Atoobu IlAllah Min Jami’ Ma KArihAllahu, Allahuma Inni Astaghfiruka Lima Qadamtu, Wa Ma Akhartu, Wa Ma Asrartu, Wa Ma A’lantu, Antal Muqadimu, Wa Antal Muakhiru, Wa Anta A’la Kuli Shayin Qadeer. Allahuma Inni Astaghfiruka Min Kulli Dhanbin Tubtu Ilaika Minhu, Thuma U’dtu Feehi, Wa AStaghfiruka Lima Aradtu Feehi Wajhaka Fa Khaalatuhu Bima Laisa Laka Fihi Ridan, Wa Astaghfiruka Lima Wa- A’dtuka Bihi Min Nafsi Thuma Akhlaftuka, Wa Astaghfiruka Lima Da’ani Ilaihil Hawa Min Qiblar Rukhasi Mima Ishtabaha A’layya Wa Huwa I’ndaka Haraam, Wa Astaghfiruka Minan Nia’mi Allati A’namta Biha A’layya, Fata Qawwaytu Biha A’la Ma’aseeka, Wa Astaghfiruka Minaz Zunoobil Lati La Yaghfiruha Ghairuka Wa La Yathaliu A’layha Illa Siwaaka, Wa La Yasu’ha Illah Hilmika, Wa LA Yunjeeni Minha Illah A’fwuka, Wa Astaghfiruka Likuli Yameenin Salafat Minni Fakhasheetu Feeha I’ndaka, Wa Anaa Ma-Khoozun Biha, Wa Astaghfiruka Ya La Illaaha Illa Anta Subhaanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zaalimeen, WA Sallalahu A’la Khairi Khalqihi Ajma’een, Rabigh Fir War Hum Wa Anta Khairur Raahimeen. Was Tagfiruka Ya A’limul Ghaibi Wash Shahadati Min Kuli Shay-in A’miltuha Fee Bayadhin Nahari Wa Sawadil Layli, Fi Mal-in Wa Khala-In Wa Sirin, Wa A’la Niyyatin, Wa Anta Nazirun Ilayya Izir Takabtuha, Wa Aataytu Biha Minal I’syaanii, Ya Haleemu, Wa Astaghfiruka La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhaanka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zaaalimeen, Rabigh Fir War Hum Wa Anta Khairur Raahimeen. Was Taghfiruka Likuli Fareedatin Aujabta A’laya Aana Al Layli Wa Atraafin Nahaari, Fa Taraktuha A’mdan, Au Khata-An, Au Nisyaanan, Wa Ana Mas-ool Biha, Wa Astaghfiruka Li Kulli Sunnatin Min Sunanin Sayidil Mursaleen, Wa Khaatimin Nabiyeen Muhammadin Alayhis Salaam, Wa Taraktuha Ghaflatan, Au Sahwan, Au Jahlan, Au Taha Wunan Qilata Mubaalaatin Biha, Wa Ana Mu-a’tibun, Wa Astaghfiruka La Ilaha Illah Anta Wahdaka La Shareekalaka Subhaanaka Rabbal A’lameen, Lakal Mulku, Wa Lakal Humdu, Wa Anta Hasbuna WA Ni’mal Wakeel, Ni’mal Maula Wa Ni’man Naseer, Wa Salalahu A’la Muhammadin Bi A’dadi Man Sala A’layhi, Wa Bi A’dadi Man Lam Yusalli A’layhi, Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen.”
“In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Most Merciful I ask Allah for Forgiveness, I ask Allah for Forgiveness, I ask Allah for Forgiveness, He who there is none other worthy of worship except Him, The All Living, The Eternal, I repent to Him, I ask Allah for Forgiveness, and I repent to him from all that which He dislikes, O’ Allah, indeed I ask Your Forgiveness for that which I have done or will do, that which was done by me in secret or openly, You are the predecessor and You are the last, and You have power over everything. O’ Allah, I ask Allah Your Forgiveness for every sin that I have repented for, then returned to it again, I ask Your Forgiveness for that which I wished would be for You, and then I mixed it with that which did not gain Your Pleasure, and I ask Your Forgiveness for that which I promised You, and then I broke my promise, I ask Your forgiveness for that which my desire called me so that I may attain easiness in, and that was forbideen by You, I ask Your forgiveness for all the favours You bestowed on me, and which I used to be disobedient to You, I ask Your Forgiveness in those sins that none other can forgive me for except You, that no other can know except You, that no other can bypass except Your Kindness, that no other can save me from except Your Compassion. And I seek Your Forgiveness for every oath that I took and I did not fulfil it, and I seek Your Forgiveness, O’ who there is none other worthy of worship except You, Glory Be to You, Indeed I am of the Transgressors. And Allah sends Saltutation to the best of His Creation, and all the companions of the best of His Creation, My Lord Forgive Me, and have Mercy on ME, You are the best of those whom have Mercy. And I seek Your Forgiveness, O’ You Who Possesses Knowledge of all that is open and hidden, from all my actions that I did during the day, and during the darkness of the night, that which I did publicly, and that which I did alone, those actions that I did secretly and those actions that were done openly, all that whilst You were watching me when I disobeyed You and sinned, O; You who is Kind. And I ask your forgiveness O’ Who there is none other worthy of worship except You, glory be to You, indeed I am of the transgressors, My Lord forgive me, and have mercy on me, You are the best of those whom have mercy. And I ask Your Forgiveness for all that which you made compulsory on me, during the day and parts of the night, and I left it out purposely, or mistakenly, or forgetfully, and I am answerable for those obligations, And I ask Your Forgiveness for every tradition (sunnah) of the traditions (sunnan) of the Master of all the Messengers, the Seal of Prophethood, Muhammed ﷺ that I have left out due to ignorance or laziness or slumber or that I undermined its importance, and I am admonished. And I ask Your forgiveness, there is none worthy of worship except You Alone, there is no partners onto You, glory be to You, the Lord of the Worlds, for You is the ownership, and for You is all praise, You are sufficient for us, You are the best of guardians, and the best of Masters, and You are the best Helper. Allah sends Salutations on Muhammed ﷺ to the number of all those who send saltutions to him, and also the number of those who don’t send salutations on Him, By Your Mercy, O You Most Merciful of those Who have Mercy.”
The Salaah of Sayedina Owaise Qarni رضي الله عنه. This Salaah is read on the third, fourth, and fifth of Rajab at about ten or eleven o’ clock. In the morning take Ghusl, after Ghusl recite four rakaats with one salaam. In this four rakaats after Surah Fateha read any Surah and after Salaam read 70 times;

“La Ilaha Illalahul Malikul Haqul Mubeen, Laytha Kamithlihi Shay-un’ waHuwa Sameeúl Baseer.”
“There is none worthy of worship except Allah, the True, Clear King, nothing resembles him, indeed He is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.”
Thereafter read 4 rakaats again and after Surah Fateha read Surah Nasr once & after the salaam read this Dua 70 times;

“Aqwa Muéenun Wa Ahdaa Wa Keelun, Bi Haqhi Iyyaaka Na’Budu Wa Iyyaaka Nastaéen.”
“The strongest of The Helpers, The Most Guided of the Entrusted, By the virtue of You alone do we worship and You alone do we ask for help.”
Thereafter read 4 rakaats Salaah again and after Surah Fateha read 3 times Surah Ikhlaas in each rakaat. After Salaam read 70 times Surah Alam Nashrah. Thereafter, pick up your hands and rub it on your chest. Then go into Sajda, recite Durood Shareef and ask Allah to accept your Duas. It is requested that for 3 days the Ghusl be taken. From the time of the Ghusl to the time when the Salaah iscompleted it is required that one should not indulge in any worldly talks. One would attain one’s goal or desires soon.
Sayedina Sultanul Mashaaikh Nizaamudeen Mehboob-e-Elahi رضي الله عنه in his Fawaidul Fuwaad has stated that a person by the name of Moeenudeen used to debate about Islam on an intellectual level. People were surprised at his knowledge and enquired how he had achieved this level of Ilm. He Bstated that when he had reached the age of maturity, he had once read this Salaah of Sayedina Owaise Qarni , after performing this Salaah, he begged Allah to grant him this knowledge that he had not received in his youth. Allah Ta-Ala granted him his request and increased his knowledge to such an extent that he could easily debate or explain any issue that
confronted him.
The 15th Night of Rajab
This night is also known as the night of Istiftaah. There are numerous Salaah and Dua’s to be read on this night. There also numerous benefits in it. On the 15th day of Rajab which is known as the Day of Istiftaah, one should fast and recite 50 rakaats of Salaah at Ishraaq in units of two’s. In each rakaat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas.
Our Nabi ﷺ has stated that anyone who performs this Salaah will be like one who has just been born, and on the day of Qiyaamah one will be given the status of a Shaheed. One will be given the sawaab of three months of fasting, Rajab, Sha’baan and Ramadaan and one will be given the sawaab of Haj and Umra equivalent to the number of hairs on one’s body. Also the reciter will not experience the darkness and narrowness of the grave. On the day of Ressurection, when one will awaken from the grave, with one will be a light/Noor, 70000 angels will give one the glad tidings of Paradise, until the ones death, one will experience the signs of the coming of the angels and after ones death Sayedina Jibraeel A.S will pay a daily visit to ones grave. After the trumpet is blown, Sayedina Jibraeel A.S. will give one to drink from the Aabe Kauthar and he will escourt one personally before Allah Who will then ask His servant what His Servant Desires. A thousand requisites of one will be granted by Allah, one will be granted the Shafaáth of a 1000 men, and one will enter paradise with the Prophets and the Martyrs.
Sayedina Akramah رضي الله عنه has stated that whosoever read the following Dua on the Day of Istiftaah, Allah Ta-Ala will open 70 Doors of Rahmah and Mercy for Him.

“Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Ya Musabibal Asbaab, Ya Mufattihal Abwaab, Ya Muqalibal Quloobi Wal Absaar, Ya Da-imas Sha’ni, Ya
Mukhrijan Nabaati, Allahumaf Tah Alayya Abwaaba Fadhlika Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen.”
“In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful, O’You who is the Originator of all motives, O’ You Who is the opener to all doors, O’ You who is the Alternator of Hearts and Sight, O You Who is forever constant in Prestige, O’You Who is the extractor of all that the earth bears, O’Allah, Open for me the doors of Your Excellence by Your Mercy, O’Most Merciful of those Who have mercy.”
In Seere Muhammadi it is stated that Sayedina Sayed Mohammed Banda Nawaaz Ghesu Daraaz رضي الله عنه recited the following Dua-e-Istiftaah daily after every Asar Salaah. Sayedina Shah Yadullah Husseini advised that the Dua-e-Istiftaah be recited on every night of Lailatul Raghaaib, on the night of Istiftaah, every night of Shabe Baraat, at the time of ifthaar, and on the two eids. On the day of Istiftaah, there are various Salaahs to be performed. It is narrated that the 13th, 14th and 15th day of Rajab, one should keep fasts. On the 15th day that is the day of Istiftaah, after zawal time, one should make ghusl, and after ghusl one should make 8 rakaats of salaah. In the first rakaat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Waduha. In the second rakaat, Surah Alam Nashrah. In the third rakaat Surah Qadr, in the fourth rakaat Surah Zilzalah, in the fifth rakaat Surah Wal Aadiyaat, in the sixth rakaat Surah Takaasur, in the seventh rakaat Surah Al Asr, and in the last rakaat, Surah Waylul Likuli. After the Zohar Salaah one should recite eight rakaats, and in the first rakaat, Surah Feel, in the second Surah Quraish, in the third Surah Kaafiroon, in the fourth Surah Nasr, in the fifth rakaat Surah Lahab, in the sixth rakaat Surah Ikhlaas, in the seventh Surah Falaq and in the eight rakaat Surah Naas. As the first period of salaatul Asar comes in, it is recommended that after the performance of these Salaahs, one should recite the following Surahs twice, Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlaas, Ayatul Kursi, Aamanar Rasool, Surah Inaam, Surah Kahf, Surah Maryam, Taha, Alif Laam Sajdah, Yaseen, Was Sawfaat, Hameem Sajdah, Hameem Ain Seen Qaaf, Dukhaan, Fatah, Waqiyah, Mulk, Inshiqaaq, and then till the end of the Quran Shareef. Then recite the following dua as follows:

“In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Allah, The One other than Whom there is none worthy of worship, the All-Living, the Self Sufficient, has been truthful; The One of Majesty and Honour, the All-Wise, the Noble, Whom there is nothing like, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. His Prophets A.S. have been truthful and His Messengers A.S. have conveyed His messages, and I am of the witnesses to this. O’ Allah! To You belongs all praise, all glory, the daybreak, the moon, all honour, all favours, all mercy, all dignity, all greatness, all ownership, all proof, all blessings, all glorification, all sacredness, all recitations of praise, all recitation of greatness. To You belongs what is not seen, what is above the highest heavens, what is beneath the earth, the Hereafter, this world, to You belongs what You love and are pleased with of gratitude, and to You belongs all praise, gratitude and blessings.
O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Jibreel A.S., guardian of Your revelation and worthy of the strength to carry Your commands, who is obeyed in Your heavens, honoured one of Your nobility, bearer of Your words, helper of Your friends, destroyer of Your enemies. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Mika’eel A.S., angel of Your mercy and the one created for Your compassion; who seeks forgiveness for those who have disobeyed You, assistant of those who obey You. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Israfeel A.S., the carrier of Your Throne, companion of the trumpet, who is waiting Your command, trembling in fear of You and pitying. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Izraa`eel A.S., the one who takes life by Your leave. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon the pure carriers of the Throne, upon the pure righteous noble angels that travel the earth, upon the angels of Paradise and the keepers of the Fire, upon the angel of death and those who work under him, upon Ridwaan the keeper of Paradise, and upon the angels of nobility, O’ One of Majesty and Honour.O’ Allah! Send salutations upon our father Adam A.S., the wonder of Your creation, whom You honoured with the prostration of Your angels, and You allowed him to dwell in Paradise. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon our mother Hawwaa A.S., the woman purified of all impurities, the woman chosen from mankind, O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Haabeel A.S., Nabi Sheeth A.S., Idrees A.S., Nooh A.S., Hood A.S., Saalih A.S., Ibrahim A.S., Isma’eel A.S., Ya`qoob A.S., the tribes, Ayoob A.S., Musa A.S., Haroon A.S., Yusha`A.S. , Khidr A.S.,Thul Qarnain A.S., Yunus A.S., Ilyaas A.S., Al-Yasa`A.S., Thul Kifl A.S., Loot A.S., Dawood A.S., Sulaiman A.S., Zakariyyaa A.S., Yahya A.S., Shu`aib A.S., Ashyaa A.S., Armiyaa A.S., Danyaal A.S., `Uzair A.S., `Isa A.S., Sham`oon A.S.,Jarjeesh A.S., the disciples and the followers. O’ Allah! Send salutations upon Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ . and the family of Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ ; and have mercy upon Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ and the family of Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ , just as You send salutations, blessings, mercy and have mercy on Sayedina Ibrahim A.S. and the family of Sayedina Ibrahim A.S.; Verily, you are Most Worthy of praise, Most Glorious.
O’ Allah! Send salutations upon the happy people of the grave, the martyrs, the Imams of guidance, the Abdaal, the Awtaad that travel, the ascetics, Your servants, the pious, and the people of steadfastness and diligence. And choose Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ . and the members of his household with the best of Your salutations and the most complete of Your honour; and convey Your salutations and greetings and peace from me, and increase him in virtue, nobility, magnanimity and honour, until You let Him dwell in the highest levels of the companions of nobility, from the Prophets, the Messengers and the best of those who are close to You.
O’ Allah! Send salutations upon whom You have named and those whom You have not named of Your angels, Your Prophets, Your Messengers and those who obey You; and deliver my salutations to them, and to their souls and blessed bodies; and make them my brothers for Your sake and my helpers against Your enemies. O’ Allah! I intercede through Your nobility for Your nobility, through Your generosity for Your generosity, through Your mercy for Your mercy, and through those who obey You; and to You I call out,
O’ Allah, O’ Most Beneficent, O’ Most Merciful. O’ Allah! I ask You through everything that all of Your creation have asked You for a
noble request, without it being rejected, and through what they have asked You, and their call has been answered and not displeased with. O’ Allah, O’ Most Beneficent, O’ Most Merciful, O’ Honourable One, O’ Most Forbearing, O’ Most Wise, O’ Most Great, O’ All-Knowing, O’ One of Majesty, O’ Most Beautiful, O’ Most Sufficient, O’ One in Whom all depend, O’ Helper, O’ Remover of offences, O’ Saviour, O’ Most Informed, O’ Most Manifest, O’ Most Strong, O’ Truth, O’ One Who sets all affairs, O’ Most Glorious, O’ Great One, O’ Most Powerful, O’ All- Seeing, O’ Most Grateful, O’ Most Righteous, O’ Most Apparent, O’ Most Hidden, O’ One Who conceals of all defects, O’ One Who encompasses everything, O’ One Who provides nutrition, O’ First, O’ Last, O’ Near One, O’ Most Beloved, O’ Protector, O’ Most Worthy of praise, O’ Originator, O’ Returner, O’ Witness, O’ Most Good, O’ Most Encompassing, O’ Beautifier, O’ One Full of blessings, O’ One Who separates, O’ One Who takes life, O’ One Who stretches His mercy over all, O’ Guide, O’ Fashioner of everything, O’ One Who sends everything, O’ One Who enlightens guidance, O’ Causer of everything, O’ Doer of
excellence, O’ Giver, O’ One Who prevents, O’ One Who removes suffering, O’ One Who raises status, O’ Ever Existent, O’ Magnificent
Creator, O’ Granter of all, O’ Opener, O’ One at ease, O’ One in Whose hand lies every key, O’ Most Merciful, O’ Most Compassionate, O’ All Sufficient, O’ Healer, O’ One Who grants good health, O’ Most Worthy of Loyalty, O’ Loyal One, O’ One Who disgraces, O’ Most Honourable, O’ Most Forgiving, O’ All Powerful, O’ One Who none can overcome, O’ Most Great, O’ Peace, O’ Giver of peace, O’ Protector, O’ Only One, O’ Eternal Absolute, O’ Self Sufficient, O’ Only Unique One, O’ One of Divine strength, O’ Holy One free of blemishes, O’ Helper, O’ Giver of safety, O’ One Who resurrects, O’ Inheritor, O’ Most Knowledgeable, O’ Judge, O’ Originator, O’ One Who designs all creation, O’ Giver of peace, O’ One Who answers, O’ One Who responds, O’ One of all salvation, O’ One Who always exists, O’ One Who supports Himself, O’ One, O’ Glorious One, O’ Most Generous, O’ Most Righteous, O’ One Who conceals all defects, O’ Just, O’ One full of bounty, O’ Most Worthy Judge, O’ Most Forbearing, O’ One full of blessings, O’ Most Glorious, O’ One Who ascended and He is the Highest and His throne is in the highest position. O’ One Who came near and became the Most Near, and went far and became the Most Far, and knows the secret and what is more hidden. O’ One to Whom is the handling of all affairs and decrees, O’ One on Whom all hardship is easy and swift, O’ One Who is All Powerful over those whom He wills, O’ Sender of the winds, O’ One Who dispels the morning, O’ One Who resurrects the souls, O’ Companion of generosity and pardon, O’ One Who rejects evils, O’ Remover of evils, O’ One Who disperses the deceased, O’ One of Majesty and Honour, O’ All-Living O’ Self Existent, O’ All-Living when there will be no life, O’ One Who brings the dead back to life, O’ All-Living other than Whom there is no one worthy of worship, the Fashioner of the heavens and the earth. O’ My Lord, send salutations upon Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ and the family of
Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ just as You have sent salutations, peace, blessings, mercy and poured Your mercy upon Sayedina Ibrahim A.S. and the family of Sayedina Ibrahim A.S., verily You are Most Worthy of praise, Most Glorious. Have mercy on my insignificance, my loneliness, my humility, my awareness of You, my poverty and my privation in front of You, for indeed my dependence is in You and my humbleness is for You; I invoke You with the call of a humble, insignificant, aware, fearful, solicitude,
desperate, needy, nothingness, lowly, returning to You, seeking Your reward, admitting his sins, seeking forgiveness for his shortcomings, the call of one who submits to You with a call of trust, even if You reject it, whose misfortune is great because of his sins; the call of one who is sad, apologising, weak, has committed many offences, desperate, submissive.
O’ Allah! I implore You, because are the All-Powerful King, whatever You will of anything happens, and You have power over everything; and I implore You through the sacredness of the sacred months, the Sacred House, the Sacred City, the Sacred Place of worship, the Great Places of worship, the Yemeni corner, the station of Nabi Ibrahim A.S., and the blessed grave of Your Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ; O’ One Who granted Sheeth A.S. to Nabi Adam A.S, to Nabi Ibrahim A.S. Nabi Isma`eel A.S. and Nabi Ishaaq A.S., O’ One Who returned Nabi Yusuf A.S. to Nabi Ya`qoob A.S, O’ One Who removed the suffering of Nabi Ayoob A.S. after
much tribulation, O’ One Who returned Nabi Musa A.S. to his mother, O’ One Who increases Khidr A.S. in his knowledge, O’ One Who granted Nabi Sulaymaan A.S. to Nabi Dawood A.S., to Nabi Zakariyyaa A.S. Nabi Yahya A.S., to Maryam A.S. Nabi `Isa A.S., O’ Protector of the daughter of Nabi Shu`ayb A.S, O’ One Who responded to the call of Nabi Musa A.S., I mplore You to send salutations upon Sayedina Muhammad ﷺ and his family, to forgive me all my sins, save me from Your punishment, and obligate for me Your Pleasure, Your safety, Your forgiveness, Your gardens and Your excellence. And I ask You to untie every knot between
myself and who will harm me, to open for me every door of Your mercy, to make gentle for me every hardship, to ease for me every difficulty, to make voiceless every tongue that speaks bad about me, to suppress for me every tyrant, to prevent from harming me every oppressor and envious one, to be sufficient for me against the evil of every one who attempts to cause division between myself and obedience to You. Make my heart firm against the evil of Your servants, O’ One Who restrains the rebellious Jinn and overpowers the transgressing devils, Who makes humble the hopes of those who seek salvation, Who returns the schemes of those who have authority against the weak. I implore You through Your power over what You will, and through the ease that You set for what You will, to decree for me the fulfilment of my needs, from what You will, O’ Most Merciful of those who have mercy.”
Shabe Me’raaj
The 27th night of Rajab al Murajab is the Lailatul Me’raj (night of Ascension). On this night Allah S.W.T. sent Sayedina Jibreel A.S. to the beloved Messenger Muhammed ﷺ and brought the beloved Habeeb Muhammed ﷺ . to him. This entire course of events is mentioned in the Quran and in the narrations from the beloved Habeeb ﷺ himself. In a small portion of time, the beloved Habeeb Muhammed ﷺ . was taken from Masjidul Harram in Makka, to Masjidul Aqsa in Jerusalem, it was here that the Messenger ﷺ met with all the previous Prophets of Allah S.W.T. and then led them in Salaah. From Baitul Maqdas, Sayedina Jibreel A.S. escorted the Prophet ﷺ on the ascension of the heavens, and right unto Sidratul Muntaha. At the point of Sidratul Muntaha, there is a huge Tree. On every leaf, there was the Illumination of Allah. The entire tree was light upon light. Sidratul Muntaha is the culmination point for all of creation. When the Prophet ﷺ proceeded further than this point, Sayedina Jibreel A.S. himself did not continue escorting him. The Prophet ﷺ enquired as to why he did not proceed, and Sayedina Jibreel A.S. informed him, “O’ Messenger of Allah S.W.T., I cannot proceed even one step from this point, if I have too, I will be burnt by the ‘Great Veils’. From this point, the
Messenger ﷺ then proceeded from this point alone. The Prophet ﷺ proceeded even further than the great Arsh and throne of Allah S.W.T. The Habeeb ﷺ was blessed with seeing Allah S.W.T. It was also on this Me’raj, that Allah blessed the Habeeb ﷺ , that he saw Paradise and Hell-fire and the various other creations of Allah. What the Messenger ﷺ was granted permission to see, is mentioned in various Ahaadith. On this night Allah made Salaah compulsory 5 times a day. In summary, after the Prophetﷺ saw Allah S.W.T., The Creator of all Creation, and all that Allah has prepared for His Servants, He ﷺ returned to Makka and to his bed in such a short time, that his bed was still warm. This entire narration is what is called Me’raj, and this was the physical ascension (Me’raj). There are those who claim that Me’raj and ascension was spiritual and not physical, this is their incorrect deductions. In reality, the Me’raj was physical, and this is the opinion of the great predecessors and Ulama.
This is a very important night for the believers, as Allah Ta-Ala presented to our Messenger Muhammed ﷺ for His Ummah the 5 times Salaah and the 30 days of fasting in the month of Ramadaan. Allah Ta-Ala has shown His ‘Deedaar” to the Prophet ﷺ On this night Allah sends unlimited blessings on His pious servants who spend this night in Ibaadath. On this night one should read 6 rakaats of Salaah with 3 salaams. In each rakaat after Surah Fateha, one should read 7 times Surah Ikhlaas. After performing this Salaah one should request ones needs of Allah Ta-Ala. If this Salaah is read with intense sincerity, then before one wakes up from ones place of worship, Allah will grant ones request, Insha Allah. Also one will be rewarded the reward of the performance of 25 haj, the sawaab of giving charity equivalent to a mountain, and on the Day of Resurrection, one will be of the peaceful ones. One should also read 12 rakaats with one salaam. After reading Surah Fateha, recite any Surah one wants to read, after Salaam read 100 times
Durood Shareef and 100 times the Third Kalima, thereafter read 100 times Astaghfirullaha Wa Atubu Elaihi. After these three recitals go into Sajda and ask ones desires of Allah. Shaikul Islam, Sayedina Fareedul Haq رضي الله عنه has stated that on this night, one can read 100 rakaats of Salaah. In each rakaat, read Surah Fateha and 5 times Surah Ikhlaas, after its completion read 100 times Durood Shareef
and 100 times the Third Kalima, therafter go into sajda and ask ones needs of Allah Ta-Ala, Insha Allah it will be granted. Sayedina Fareedud Deen رضي الله عنه has stated that it is mentioned in the book of Sayedina Khwaja Moinudeen Gareeb Nawaaz رضي الله عنه that this night is the night of Rahmat-e-Elaahi. One must benefit from the blessings of this night. Seventy thousand angels carry the tray of lights to the house of one who is solely confined to worshipping Allah and seeking His forgiveness on this night. This tray of lights will be kept on the persons head. Sayedina Khwaja Gareeb Nawaaz رضي الله عنه asks how a Muslim can deprive himself from the blessings of such a night. Sayedina Sultaanul Mashaaikh Nizaamudeen رضي الله عنه has stated that one can read 4 rakaats of Salaah on this night, and on its completion, one can ask Allah for long life and also for protection from poverty and starvation. In the last 3 days of Rajab if one reads 300 times Istighfaar, Allah will pardon all of ones sins. It is also a Fadheelat and excellent act to complete the recital of one Quran Shareef in these last three days. Charity given on these last 3 days will act as a shield between one and the Hell-fire. In these last three days of Rajab if one brings peace between two people, Allah will grant one the reward of 100 years of fasting.
It is also stated that the one who performs 12 rakaats of Salaah on the last day of Rajab, Allah will prolong one’s age, grant one comfort in life, protect one from sins and allow one to enjoy the auspiciousness of Martyrdom. In these 12 rakaats, one must recite after Surah Fateha. Ayatul Kursi, Surah Kaafiroon, Surah Ikhlaas 3 times in every rakaat, and after Salaam read the following Dua,

“Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Ya Ajallu min Kuli Jaleelin, YA Akramu min Kuli Kareemin, Ya A’zamu Min Kuli Azeemin, Ya Arhamu min Kuli
Raheemin, Ya Aázzu Min Kuli Azeezin, Ya Auhadu min Kuli Waheedin, Ya Ahadu Khairun min Kuli Ahadin, Anta Rabbi, La Rabba Li Siwaaka, Ya Ghiyaathal Mustagheetheen Wa Rajaa-hum, Agheethni Bi Fadhlika, Wa Mudda fi Umri Maddan Taweelan, Fi Ridaakha, Bil Aáfiyathi, Bi Rahmatika Ya Wahhaabu, Ya Kareemu, Innaka A’la Kuli Shay-in Qadeer.”
In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful, O’You The Most Exalted of all exalted ones, O’You the Most Honourable
of all honourable ones, O’You Most Merciful of all the merciful ones, O’You Most Respected of all the respected ones, O You the Unique of all, O’You the only One in Oneness, You are My Lord, there is no Lord for me besides You, O’ You The Provider to all those seeking blessings, and desires, Provide for me through Your Excellence, Extend my life for me, an extension in seeking Your Pleasure, By Your Compassion, and by Your Mercy, O’You Who is The Giver, O’You the Most Generous, Indeed You have the Most Power over everything.”