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Ramadaan رمدان

The Significance and the Importance of the month of Ramadan

Recite all the Dua’s as advised earlier for the beginning of every new month. Thereafter recite the following Dua,

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“Allahuma Hadha Shahru Ramadaana, Fa-adkhilhu alayna bi amanin Wa Imaanin, Wa Sih hatin Minas Saqami, Wa Faraaghin Minash Shuguli, wa A’ina a’la Siyaami wal Qiyaami wa tilaawatal Qurani, hatta yanqadi a’na wa qad ghafarta lana, wa radeeta a’nna. Allahuma Hadha Shahru Ramadaana qad hadara li, fa salimhu lana wa salimna lahu, wa salimhu fi yusrin minka wa aafiyatin. Allahumar zuqna siyaamahu wa qiyaamahu bi qoulin minna bi imaanin wahtisaabin. Allahumad fa’a a’nal kasla wal fatrata was saamata war zuqna feehil khaira wal ajraa wal quwwata wan nash-ata kama tuhibbu wa tardaa.”

O’ Allah! This month of Ramadaan, admit it onto us with safety and faith, and good health from sickness, and freedom from unnecessary work, and assist us in fasting, prayer and recitation of the Qur’an, until when the month leaves us, You have forgiven us and are pleased with us. O’ Allah! This month of Ramadaan has arrived, so make it peaceful for us and make us peaceful for it, with enlightenment and pardon from You. O’ Allah! Grant us its fasting and prayer with us saying: “With faith and seeking reward”. O’ Allah! Remove from us laziness, weakness and hardship, and grant us in it all good, reward, strength and progress, just as You love and are pleased with. The month of Ramadaan is themonth of Allah Ta-ala’s excellence and grace.

On the first night of Ramadaan perform two rakaats of Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Fatah once. Insha Allah, the reciter will be performed from all trials, tribulation and calamities. It is also recommended that every night of Ramadaan after the Witr Salaah, one must perform two rakaats Salaah standing, in the first rakaat after Surah Fateha, Surah Zil Zalah, and in the second rakaat after Surah Fateha Surah Kaafiroon once. Thereafter immediately recite another two rakaats Salaah in the same manner with the same Surahs, but this time sitting.

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah Khairabadi رضي الله عنه has stated Naserul MillahWad Deen, Sayedina Khwaja Naseerudeen Chirage Dehli رضي الله عنه always advised that this Salaah be read in pair and simultaneously, one after the other.

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah Khairabadi رضي الله عنه advised his followers to also read this Salaah in this manner, in the first rakaat after Surah Fateha, Surah Takaathur three times and in the second rakaat after Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlaas five times. And as mentioned before, two rakaats should be performed standing and immediately two should be performed sitting. After the completion of this Salaah, remain seated and recite Ayatul Kursi three times, thereafter go into Sajda position and read the following Dua;

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“Allahuma in kunta katabtana sua’da fathbitna, wa in kunta katabtana ashqiya famhu a’na ismash shaqa-ee, waktubna sua’dah, fa innaka tamhu ma tasha-u wa tuthbitu, wa I’ndaka Ummul Kitaab.”

O’ Allah, if You recorded us as those who will remain in eternal bliss, then grant us steadfastness, and if You have recorded us as those who are to suffer eternally, then remove our names from this record and record us as those to receive eternal bliss, for indeed You remove that which You wish, and affirm that which You wish.

It is narrated from Sayedina Khwaja Nizamudeen Aulia رضي الله عنه that the Mashaaikh prescribed certain Tasbeehaat to be read in the Taraweeh Salaah. After the first four rakaats, recite Kalima Shahaadah three times; After the second four rakaats, recite Durood Shareef three times; After the third four rakaats, recite Kalima Tamjeed three times; After the fourth four rakaats, recite

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After the fifth four rakaats, recite

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In this month Allah has revealed the Quran. In this month is a night better than a 1000 nights. It was on this night that the Quran was sent down from Loh-e-Mahfooz to the first heaven and from here as the need arose. Sayedina Jibraeel A.S. revealed the verses to our Nabi ﷺ . The Holy Prophet ﷺ has stated that in the month of Ramadaan, paradise is decorated and its doors are opened. The doors of Jahanam (Hellfire) are closed, and the Shayateen (plural of shaitaan) are locked up. Allah says that: “fasting is for me and only I am its rewards.” Our Nabi ﷺ has stated that one day of fasting in the month of Muharram, Rajab, Zil Qadah and Zil Hijjah is equal to 30 days of fasting of any other month, but one fast of the month of Ramadaan is equal to the 30 days fasts of It is narrated by Sayedina Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه that the Messenger ﷺ said, “When the month of Ramadan enters, the doors of Paradise are opened, the doors of Hellfire are shut, and the Shaitaan are chained.” (Sahih Muslim, Book of Fasting, Chapter on the superiority of fasting, Hadith 2495, page 439) the months of Muharram, Rajab, Zil Qadah and Zil Hijjah.

There are 3 kinds of fasting

Firstly, the fast of the general masses. Secondly, the fast of elite people.and thirdly, the fasts of the very elite type of people.

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In the first instance the person who fasts keeps himself away from hunger thirst and sexual acts etc.

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In the second instance the person who fasts not only keeps away from hunger, thirst and sexual acts etc. but also seeing to the different parts of the body such as the eyes, ears, hands and legs are also kept away from evil actions, thoughts and activities. At the time of Iftaar especially, this person refrains from any Haraam, even any thing that is doubtful and may lead to Haraam, they keep away from that! After Iftaar, this person keeps his heart with fear and hope so that he has hope that Allah has accepted his fast, and has fear that he may have transgressed and Allah will not accept it.

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The third fasting refers to one who continuously indulges oneself to Allah’s remembrance and one who does not indulge in any worldly activities.

The night of power and the reading of Nafil Namaaz

Some are of the opinion that Lailatul Qadr falls on the 29th of Ramadaan whilst some say its on the 23rd or the 25th, however most Mashaikh are of the opinion that it falls on the 27th of Ramadaan. On this night one can read 12 rakaat of Salaah with 6 salaams. In every rakaat after Surah fateha read 51 times Surah Ikhlaas. After the completion of this Salaah read a 100 times third Kalima. One can also read 2 rakaat of Nafil Salaah. After Surah Fateha read Surah Qadr once and Surah Ikhlaas 25 times. After salaam read Istighfaar 100 times and read 100 times Durood Shareef. One can also read 4 rakaats of Nafil Salaah. After Surah Fateha read Surah Qadr and Surah Ikhlaas both 5 times each. Allah will reward one many

folds. On this night one can also read 100 rakaat with 50 salaams. After salaam read Surah Qadr 3 times and Surah Ikhlaas 10 times. And after every 2 rakaats read the tasbeeh read in Taraweeh Salaah. Allah will reward one the full sawaab of Lailatul Qadr. After this Salaah read Kalima Tamjeed a 100 times. Also on this night before Sehri one can read 70 times

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“La Ilaaha Illalaahul Hayyul Qayyoomul Qaimu A’la Kuli Nafsim Bima Kasaba.”

After this read Kalima Tamjeed 12 times and recite the following dua 12 times,

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“A’dada Ma A’limal Lawhu.”

l’tikaaf: A Sunnat-e-Maakida

I’tikaaf is on the last 10 days of Ramadaanul Mubarak. Our Nabi ﷺ sat for Itikaaf in every Ramadaan except one, when Our Nabi ﷺ was partaking of a battle but did make this I’tikaaf Qada and he stayed on this occasion 20 days instead of the normal 10 days. One should sit for Itikaaf in a musjid where 5 times prayer is being performed daily. Only for the purposes of answering natures call or for Ghusl that one is allowed to leave the musjid. Some Mashaikh use to sit for Itikaaf for one Arbaeen whilst others use to sit for 3 arbaeens.

a) Arbaeen-e-Muhammadi ﷺ

The last 10 days of Shabaan and the entire month of Ramadaan the Prophet ﷺ stayed in I’tikaaf. This is known as Arbaeen-e-Muhammadi ﷺ

b) Arbaeen-e-Musa رضي الله عنه

The whole month of Zil Qadah and the first 10 days of Zil Hijjah excluding the 10th of Zil Hijjah which is the day of Eid and including the 11th of Zil Hijjah which will give one 40 days in total. This act is known as Arbaeen-e-Musa رضي الله عنه

c) Arbaeen-e-Isa رضي الله عنه

The whole month of Rajab and the first 10 days of Shabaan will give one 40 days in total. This is known as Arbaeen-e-Isa رضي الله عنه If possible one should perform all these 3 Arbaeens. One should not involve oneself in any worldly activities and should indulge only in Zikrullah, Muraqiba etc.

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah Khairabadi رضي الله عنه on the 20th of ramadaan after Asar used to sit for I’tikaaf. Once Sayedina attended the Urs Shareef of Sayedina Kazi Sharfudeen رضي الله عنه, he left for the Urs on the 20th of Shabaan ul Muazzam and stayed in I’tikaaf right till the end of Ramadaan ul Mubarak. On the last day of Ramadaan one should read 10 rakaats of Nafil Salaah with 5 salaams. After salaam read a 1000 times Istighfaar and go into Sajdah and read,

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“Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyumu, Ya Zal Jalaali Wal Ikraami, Ya Rahmaanad Dunya Wal Aakhirati, Ya Arhamar Raahimeen, Ya Ilaahal Awwaleena Wal Aakhireena, Ighfir Zunoobi, Wa Taqabal Salaati Wa Siyaami Wa Qiyaami.”