Zul Hijjah
Zul Hijjah ظل حجا
Shaikhul Islam Hazrath Fareedudeen رضي الله عنه states, that on the first night of Zil Hijjah read 2 rakaats of Nafil Salaah. In the first rakaat after Surah Fateha read the first 3 verses of Surah In-aam. In the second rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas, once. The reward of one Hajj will be granted to the person who reads this Salaah. Sayedina Baba Fareed states that a person who was a great sinner passed away. People who were aware of his state were afraid as to what punishment would be metered out to him in the grave. The night of his passing, a pious man dreamt of him, and questioned him as to how Allah S.W.T had dealth with him. He replied to the pious man that when people had buried me and left, the angels of punishment had started to appear in my grave, and as they were about to punish me, Allah ordered them to leave me alone, He had forgiven me. The angels wanted to know from Allah as to what the reason was that He had forgiven me, for I was a great faasiq (sinner), how can I be entitled to paradise. Allah said to his angels that indeed what you have said about him being a sinner is true, however when the month of Zil Hijjah dawned upon him, on the first night of Zil Hijjah he used to recite this Salaah. For reciting this Salaah, I have forgiven all his sins.
The Importance of the first 10 Days of Zil Hijjah
Sayedina Baba Fareed Ganje Shaker رضي الله عنه has stated that Allah S.W.T. will forgive one who reads Surah Walfajr for the first day of Zil Hijjah. It is a very big reward for one who recites this Surah for the entire month.
On the first day after Fajr namaaz read a 100 times,

“La Ilaaha Illalaahu Wahdahu La Shareekalu, Lahul Mulku, Wa La Hul Hamdu, Wa Huwa A’la Kuli Shayin Qadeer.”
On the second day after Fajr Namaaz read 100 times,

“Ashadu An La Ilaaha Illalahu Wahdahu La Shareekalu, Ahadan Samadan Lam Yatakhiz Saahibataw Wa La Walada.”
On the third day after Fajr Namaaz read 100 times,

“Ashadu An La Ilaaha Illalahu Wahdahu La Shareekalu, Ahadan Samadan Lam Yatakhiz Saahibataw Wa La Walada.”
On the third day after Fajr Namaaz read 100 times,

“Ashadu An La Ilaaha Illalahu Wahdahu La Shareekalahu Lahul Mulku, Wa Lahul Hamdu, Yuhyi, Wa Yumeetu, Wa Huwa Hayyun La Yamootu Abadan, Zul Jalaali Wal Ikraami Bi Ya Dihil Khairu, Wa Huwa A’la Kuli Shayin Qadeer.”
On the fifth day after Fajr Namaaz read 100 times,

“SubhaanaMan LamYazal Rabban Raheeman.”
On the sixth day after Fajr Salaah read what one reads on the first day and continue this way for the whole month. Ten thousand good deeds will be written on one’s naame a’maal and one will gain the sawaab of reading the Taurath (the book revealed unto Musa A.S.) 10 000 times and also 10 000 sins of one will be forgiven. Sayedina Shaikul Mashaikh Baba Fareedudeen رضي الله عنه states that if a person reads on the first Jummah of Zil Hijjah 6 rakaats of Salaah with 3 salaams and in every rakaath after Surah Fateha reads 15 times Surah Ikhlaas and after the salaam reads 10 times

One will receive great rewards. Any person keeping fast on the 8th of Zil Hijjah will receive the sawaab of 12 000 years of Ibaadath. A sawaab of 24 000 years will be awarded to the person who keeps fast on the 9th of Zil Hijjah93 and any person, who on the day of Eid, does not eat or drink before the Eid salaat will gain the sawaab of 6000 years of Ibaadath. One may also read 2 rakaats of Salaah on the night of Arafaat, the rewards in doing so are the sawaab of a 1000 Hajj. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read 100 times Ayatul Kursi. Also on the night of Arafat, it is recommended that one should recite 100 rakaats of Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha recite three times Surah Ikhlaas. After completion of this Salaah recite the following Dua,

“Subhanal ladhi Fis Samaa-I Arshuhu, Subhanal ladhi Fil Ardi Qudratuhu, Subhanal ladhi Fil bahri sabeelahu, Subhanal ladhi fin naari Sultaanuhu, subhanal ladhi fil jannati rahmatuhu, subhanal ladhi fil hawaa-I ruhuhu, subhanal ladhi fil qabri qadaa-uhu, subhanal ladhi rafa’s samaai, subhanal ladhi wa-da-al arda, subhanal ladhi la malja wa la manja minhu illa ilaihi.”
“Glory is to The One Who was always there and will always remain; Glory is to The One Whose Throne is in the heavens and Whose Power is on earth; Glory is to The One Whose path is in the ocean; Glory is to The One Whose authority is in the fire; Glory is to The One Whose mercy is in paradise; Glory is to The One Whose breath is in the wind; Glory is to The One Whose decree is in the grave; Glory is to The One Who raised the sky and Glory is to The One Who placed the earth; Glory is to The One from Whom there is no shelter or concealment, but to turn unto Him.”
In another narration it is mentioned that on the night of Arafat, one can also read two rakaats, in each rakaat recite 100 times Surah Ikhlaas after Surah Fateha. The reward for its performance is very great. On the day of Arafah, one should recite in the early part of the morning, two rakaats of Salaah. In each rakaat, read Surah Fateha with Bismillah at the beginning and Aameen at the end. After Surah Fateha recite Surah Al Kaafiroon with Bismillah three times, thereafter recite Surah Ikhlaas with Bismillah three times. After the performance of this Salaah, ask ones needs of Allah Ta-ala, Allah will accept one’s Dua and grant ones needs. Also on the day of Arafat one should recite two rakaats of Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha, recite three times Surah Ikhlaas, after salaam recite one hundred times Surah Ikhlaas, and complete it with the following Tahleelaat, by reciting these Tahleelaat, Hell-fire will become Haraam for the reciter.

“La ilaha illalahu a’dadal layaali wad duhooru, La ilaha illalahu a’dada amwaajil buhoor, La ilaha illalahu a’dadar Riyaahi fil barri wal bahri, La ilaha illalahu a’dada fil baraari was suhoori, La ilaha illalahu minal yaumi ila yaumi yunfakhu fis soori, La ilaha illalahu a’dadash shauki was Shajari, La ilaha illalahu a’dadash shi’ri wal madri, La ilaha illalahu a’dadal Khawaatiri waz zunooni, La ilaha illalahu a’dada lamhil uyooni, La ilaha illalahu Khairum Mima Yajma-oon, La ilaha illalahu fil laili idha A’s-a’s was subhi idha tanafas, wa salalawhu a’la khairi khalqihi muhammadiw wa a’lihi ajma’een, a’dada ma ahaata bihi Ilmuhu, wa jaza bihi qalmuhu, wa nafadhat feehi, mashiyatuhu wa salama tasleeman katheera.”
“There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as the nights and moments; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as the waves of the oceans; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as the winds in the land and sea; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as what the jungles and deserts contain. There is none worthy of worship but Allah, from today until the day when the trumpet is blown; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as thorns and trees; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as hair and clay; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as thoughts and suspicions; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, as much as the blinking of eyes; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, better than what they gather for; There is none worthy of worship but Allah, during the night as it departs and the dawn as it brightens. May Allah send salutations upon the best of His creation, Sayyidunaa Muhammad ﷺ and all his family, as much as His knowledge encompasses and His Pen records, and His Will decrees and may He send abundant blessings upon them.”
Any person choosing to read a 1000 times Surah Ikhlaas on the day of Arafaat will receive anything he desires of Allah Ta-ala.It is also recommended that on the Day of Arafat as the time of sunset approaches, one should recite the following Thana of Allah one hundred times.

“Bismillahi ma sha Allahu la haula wa la quwata illah billah, bismillah ma sha Allahu la yasooqul khaira illalaahu, bismillahi ma sha Allahu la
yakhshifus soo-a illalaahu, bismillahi ma sha Allahu kulu ni’matin minallaah, bismillahi ma sha Allahul khairu kullahu biyadil laahi, bismillahi ma sha Allahi la yasrifus soo-a illalaahu, bismillahi ma sha Allahu mulkan min ni’matin fa minallah.”
“In the Name of Allah just as Allah willed, there is no power nor mightexcept from Allah; In the name of Allah just as Allah willed, none can manifest good except Allah; In the name of Allah just as Allah willed, none can remove evil except Allah; In the name of Allah just as Allah willed, every blessing is from Allah; In the Name of Allah just as Allah willed, all good is in the Hand of Allah; In the name of Allah just as Allah willed, none can protect against evil except Allah; In the name of Allah just as Allah willed, every single blessing is from Allah.”
On the night of Eid-ul-Adha one can read 4 rakaats of Salaah. After every rakaat read Surah Fateha once and Surah Ikhlaas a 100 times; after salaam read Kalima Tamjeed one hundred times and after this read the second kalima, the reward for doing so is immense.

“Glory is to Allah and all praise. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, without a partner, He is One God, and we do not worship other than Him, sincerely in our religion for Him, even if the disbelievers hate that.”
On the night of Eidul Adha, one should also recite two rakaats of Salaah, after the recitation of Surah Fateha, recite Ayatul Kursi once, and Surah Ikhlaas five times, the reward is equivalent to one performing Hajj. After the Eid Salaah and sermon (Khutbah) on the day of Eid, one should read four rakaats. In the first rakaat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Subuhisma, in the second rakaat Surah Was Shams, in the third rakaat Surah Waduha, and in the last rakaat Surah Alam Nashrah. It is also narrated on the day of Eid, after the eid Salaah and sermon, if one intends to perform Qurbani, then before the act of slaughtering one needs to perform two rakaats of nafil Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha one must recite three times Surah Kauthar, therafter read the following Dua,

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar, Allahuma Hadha Fidaaee, Lahmuha bi lahmihi, wa damuha bi dami, wa jilduha bi jildi, wa azmuha bi-azmi, inna salaati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamaati lillahi rabil a’alameen, la shareekalahu wa bidhalika umirtu wa ana awalul muslimeen, Allahuma taqabal minni kama taqabalta min khaleelika Ibrahima Alaihis salaatu was salaam.”
In the Name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest. O’ Allah! This is my sacrifice; its flesh is for my flesh, its blood is for my blood, its bones are for my bones. Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah, The Lord of the worlds; He has no partner, and by this I have been commanded, and I am the first of those who have submitted. O’ Allah! Accept this from me just as You accepted from Your close friend, Nabi Ibraheem A.S.
On the last day of Zil Hijjah keep fast and after Salaatul Esha read 2 rakaats of Salaah, in every rakaat after Surah Fateha read 100 ayats, meaning read from Surah Subihisma to Surah Wadduha. Allah will forgive your entire sins. After this read this dua below 7 times,

“Allahuma Ma A’miltu Min A’malin Fi Hadthi His Sanati, Mimma Nahay Tani A’nhu, Wa Lam Tardahu, Wa Naseetuhu Wa Lam Tansahu, Wa
Hamalta A’nni Ba’da U’qoobatee, Wa Da-Autanee ilat Taubati Ijraami Ilayka, Allahuma Fa Inni Astaghfirukka Minha Ya Ghaffooru Fagh Fir
Lee, Wa Ma A’miltu Min A’malin Tardeehi, Wa Wa-A’tani Alaihis Thawaabu Fa Ta Qabaluhu Minni, Wa La Taqta-oo’ Rajaa-I Ya Azeemar Rajaa-i.”
“O’ Allah! Whatever I have done of an action that You have prohibited me from doing and You were not pleased with it, and I forgot it but You did not forget it, and You have overlooked it after Your power to punish me, and You called me to repentance after I transgressed against You. O’ Allah! Verily, I seek Your forgiveness from it, O’ Oft-Forgiving, so forgive me; and what I have done of an action that You are pleased with and have promised me reward for it, do accept it from me, and do not cut off my hopes, O’ Great One of hopes.”