Rabi-Ul-Akhir ربيع اخر
There are great benefits for the one who reads 4 rakaats of namaaz on the first night and day of Rabi-ul-Awwal. In the 4 rakaats one should read in each rakaat 7 times Surah Ikhlaas after Surah Fateha. One should also keep fast on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, this is equal to a 1000 years of Ibaadath. During this month the blessed companions of the Messenger S.A.W used to read 20 Rakaats and present its sawaab to the Messenger S.A.W. In each rakaat they recited Surah Ikhlaas 21 times after Surah Fateha and after completion of salaam, they should read 100 times Durood Shareef and 3 time Surah Yaseen.
This Namaaz is read immediately after sunrise. One can read 4 rakaats of this salaah, with two salaams. 1.In the first Rakaat, after reading Surah Fateha read Ayatul Kursi till Khalidoon. In the second Rakaat, after Surah Fateha, recite Amanar Rasoolu till the end of the Surah .This Salaah can be read as two rakaats only, or four rakaats. In the Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ it has been mentioned that one can read either two or four rakaats.
Namaaz-e-Istiaaza (Seeking God’s Protection)
Two Rakaats are read, in the first Rakaat after Surah Fateha, read Surah Falaq, and in the second Rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Naas, after making salaam read Durood Shareef and the following Dua,

“Allahuma Inni A’oozubika Bismikal A’zam wa Kalimaatikat Taammah min Shariss Saamah Wal Haammah, Wa A’oozubika Bismikal A’zam Wa Kalimaatikat Taammah Min Sharri Ibaadika wa Sharri A’Zaabika, Wa A’oozubika Bismikal A’zam Wa Kalimaatikat Taammah Min Sharish Shaytaw Nir Rajeem, Wa A’oozubika Bismika Wa Kalimaatikat Taammah Min Sharri Ma Yajri Bihil Laylu Wan Nahaaru, Inna Rabiyal Lawhul Lazi La Ila Illa Huwa, A’layhi Tawakaltu Wa Huwa Rabul Arshil Azeem.”
“O’ Allah, Indeed I seek protection in You, by Your greatest name36, and by Your complete word from the evil of Saamah and Haamah, And I seek protection in You, by Your greatest name and by your complete word, from the evil of Your Servants, and the evil of Your Punishment, And I seek protection in You by Your greatest name and Your complete word from Shaytaan, the cursed one, and I seek protection in You, by Your name and Your complete word, from that which happens during the day and night, Indeed, my Lord is Allah, who besides Him there is no other worthy of worship, I have placed my trust on Him, and He is the Lord of the great Throne.”
Zohar Salaah
Read four Rakaats of the Sunnat Salaah, after Surah Fateha read Surah Kafiroon. In the second Rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Nasar, Surah Lahab and then Surah Ikhlaas in the third and fourth rakaat respectively. After the four Fardh of Zohar, read 2 Rakaats of Sunnah, reading Ayatul Kursi in the first and second rakaats.
Asar Salaah
Read four Rakaats of Sunnah before the Fardh namaaz. In the first Rakaat, after Surah Fateha read Surah Zilzalah, in the second Surah Wal Aadiyaat, in the third Surah Al Qaariya, and in the fourth read Surah Al Haakumut Takathur. Another way of performing this four rakaats is; after reciting Surah Fateha in the first Rakaat recite Surah Al Asar four times, in the second rakaat three times, and in the third and fourth, recite it twice and once respectively. If the time for Asar Salaah is short, then instead of performing four Rakaats, one can perform two rakaats, reciting five times Surah Al Asar in the first and the second Rakaat respectively. Sayedina Umar رضي الله عنه., the second Caliph of Islam reports that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “The Mercy of Allah descends on anyone who performs the Sunnah before the Fard of Asar.” After performing the Fardh Namaaz, one can read Surah An Naba 5 times.The reciter will be captivated and absorbed in the Love of Allah Ta-Ala. After this recitation read Surah Wan Naaziyaat once, the reward for this recitation is that if the reciter passed away, after one namaaz Allah Ta Ala will pick him up towards the sky. His body will assume the shape of His soul. It is also recommended to recite Surah Inna Fatahna once, and also Musaba’ath-e-Ashrah before sunset.
Mugjhrib Salaah
After the three rakaats Fardh of Mughrib, read two rakaats of Sunnah, reading in the first rakaat, after Surah Fateha, Surah Kafiroon and in the 1 second Rakaat after Surah Fateha Surah Ikhlaas. i After the Sunnah, perform two Rakaats voluntary | prayers as a Hadya or Gift to the Master Piece 1 of all creation,The Messenger of Allah ﷺ . i for this Namaaz in the first Rakaat after Surah i Fateha, read Surah Wadduha, and in the second ¡ read Surah Alam Nashrah.
After reciting the two Sunnah, and two voluntary prayers as a gift for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ , perform six Rakaats, of Namaaz-e-Awaabeen. In every Rakaat read three times Surah Ikhlaas.After completing this Namaaz, go into sajda and read 3 times Hazrath Soofia رضي الله عنه states that whoever read this namaaz regularly and sincerely, he will be forgiven.
Namaaz-e-Hifzul Imaan
After this Namaaz read 2 Rakaats Namaaz-e-Hifzul Imaan. In the first Rakaat after Surah Fateha read 7 times Surah Ikhlaas and Surah Falaq. In the second Rakaat, after Surah Fateha read 7 times Surah Ikhlaas and Surah Naas.
Namaaz-e-Shukral Lail
Read two rakaats of this Namaaz, reading in the first and the second Rakaats after Surah Fateha, five times Surah Kafiroon in each Rakaat.
Read two Rakaats. In the first Rakaat after Surah Fateha, recite Surah Burooj, and in the second , Rakaat recite Surah Tariq. Thereafter recite the’ following dua after Salaam.

“Allahuma Inni Astaudi-uka Imaani Wa Deeni Fah Fizhumma.”
“O’ Allah, Indeed I hand over my Imaan and my Deen to You, So Protect both of them for me.”
Esha Salaah
Sayedina Saeed Ibn Mansoor رضي الله عنه states that the, Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Whomsoever reads the four rakaats of Sunnah before Esha Namaaz, is like one who reads Tahajud at nIght,i and whomsoever reads the four Rakaats of Sunnah after Esha Namaaz, is like one who recited these four rakaats on Lailatul Qadr.After the Fardh of Esha Salaah, read two Rakaats Sunnah, in the first Rakaat, recite Ayatul Kursi till Khalidoon, (Surah Baqarah, verses 255-257) and in the second rakaat also after Surah Fateha recite,Aamanar Rasul to Kaafiroon (Surah Baqarah,Verses 285 and 286). After these two Sunnah’Also perform two Rakaats of Namaaz called Saa’dathud Daarain (Eternal Success in both the worlds). In this namaaz, in each Rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas ten times. After completing Salaam, recite

“Ya Wahaabu” 70 times.
Witr Salaah
In the first Rakaat read Surah Qadr after the recitation of Surah Fateha. In the second and third rakaat also after Surah Fateha read Surah Kaafiroon and Surah Ikhlaas respectively. After the completion of salaam, read 4 times, Subhaanallahil Malikul Qudoos softly and then one time “Suboohun Qudoosun Rabboona Wa Rabul Malaa’AloikatiWar Rooh”, time loudly.Then sit and read 2 rakaats of Nafil Namaaz. In the first Rakaat after Surah Fateha, read Surah Zilzala and in the second Rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Kaffirroon. One who reads these two Nafil Namaaz will get the reward of Tahajud Namaaz. Hazrath Khwaja Nasirudeen RA always read this namaaz followed by 300 times the first Kalima’, after completing his recitation he always presented the sawaab of it to the Ahle Shijra. Immediately after this, he used to recite 301 I “Ya Allahu”It is also recommended that after Esha Namaaz one should read Surah Mulk.
Tahajjud Namaaz
This Salaah can be read upto a maximum of 12 rakaats. The procedure for performing Tahajud is as follows. In the first rakaat after Surah Fateha read Ayatul Kursi till Khalidoon accompanied with 3 times Surah Ikhlaas.
In the second rakaat, read Amanar Rasool till the end accompanied by 3 times Surah Ikhlaas. This is the first way one can recite all the twelve rakaats.
The second way is to recite 12 times Surah Ikhlaas in the first rakaat, and in every rakaat thereafter to reduce the Surah Ikhlaas by one. Until the last rakaat when there will be only one Surah Ikhlaas recited.
The third way is to recite 5 times Surah Ikhlaas after Surah Fateha, and after the Surah Ikhlaas, recite one Ruku of Surah Yusuf. Surah Yusuf has twelve ruku’s, and in the 12 rakaats the entire Surah Yusuf will be recited completely. According to various Ahadith and narrations, this Salaah is the best of all the Nafil and Voluntary Salaah. After the completion of this
Salaah, read 100 times Surah Alam Nashrah, 100 times, Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom and thereafter read 100 times the following Dua:

“Lillahi Mulkus Samawaati Wal Ardi Wa ma Feehinna, wa Huwa A’la Kulli Shayin Qadeer, Astaghfirullah Rabbi min kulli Dhanbin wa Khatee-atin wa Atubu ilaih, Wa As-aluhut taubah.”
Thereafter recite 100 times ‘Astaghfirulla’ Some Mashaaikh have stated one should stay awake in the first part of the night until midnight, and then sleep till Fajr Namaaz so that the daily routine (Of Ibadah) may not be affected by the lack of sleep. Some have slept in the first half of the night and stayed awake for the remaining half so that they could perform their Ibadaath.
Hazrath Sheikh Saifudeen Kharzi رضي الله عنه use to stay awake in the third part of the night, and he should then perform his Esha Salaah in Jamaat and stay awake till fajr Namaaz.
Hazrath Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyaar Kaki رضي الله عنه had continued this practise. Some of the pious people have remained with the wudhu they have made for Esha Namaaz till Fajr Namaaz. Sayedina Imam Abu Hanifa رضي الله عنه, Sayidena Saeed Ibn Museeb رضي الله عنه, Hazrath Khwaja Fuzail Bin Ayadh رضي الله عنه. Our illustrious leader Hazrath Khwaja Sulaiman Tawsawi رضي الله عنه and Hazrath Khwaja Muhammed Ali Shah رضي الله عنه all took a rest, sleep or siesta between Esha and Tahajud Salaaah.